Lider. Ina. Manilena.
Christy Lim, the daughter of the late Mayor Alfredo Lim has declared her candidacy for Mayor this coming 2022 elections. She has decided to join the race for the top post of Manila to continue the legacy of her father and to launch relevant programs that would benefit the majority of the residents. She was the right hand woman of her father and was at his side when he served as Mayor for over 12 years.
She is a true-blue Manilena, born and raised in Tondo. She was inculcated in the disciplinary ways of her father and imbibed the caring and affectionate nature of her mother. Because of this upbringing, she has learned the value of genuine service and love for others. As an businesswoman and mother, she will harness the use of technology and forge partnerships to hasten the delivery of service to Manilenos. Like the advocacy of her father, her Lingap Ng Inang Manileno has helped over 6,000 residents from District 1 to 6 of Manila.
“Lingap ng Inang Manileno has helped has helped a multitude of women. Not only has it uplifted their lives through the opportunities provided by the foundation, they have also helped other people” according to Christy. She aims to restore order and give the residents peace-of-mind.
She is deterimined to serve Manila to the best of her ability. She has laid down her priorities for her term which aim to benefit both the resident and the city itself. Her Ten- point Agenda includes Clean Government, Health, Response, Investment, Tourism, Safety, Youth, Livelihood, Infrastructue and the Manilenos. These programs are the foundation of her mantra “ genuine concern and service for the City of Manila”.
She is running under the banner of Partido Reporma, together with Lucy Lapini for Vice Mayor and Ian Halili for Councilor.
“I will follow the footsteps of my father”. My plans to make Manila prosper should be felt by everyone living here. I am committed to carry out my responsibilites and be a beacon of hope for the residents if given the opportunity to serve.
Christy Lim is offering herself to Manila. Nothing encapsulates what she is more than her battlecry. Lider. Ina. Manilena.